Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Great Lab Report

Good news!

Debbie got really good news Friday, the 22nd from the Dr. and the lab reports. She is really responding well to treatment and her blood work shows it. For example, her red and white blood cell counts are just below the low normal range. Remember that her hemoglobin count was down to 7.2 in the hospital, and this anemia is one of the disease‘s symptoms. She had the transfusion of 2 units on June 26 and it went up to about 10, whereas 12 to 16 is the normal range. Well, three weeks ago it was up to 11.1, two weeks ago it went up to 11.4, and last Friday had climbed into normal ranges with a 12.4 reading! But here is the exciting count - the abnormal protein band (which was the blood test that tipped us off to Multiple Myeloma on June 9th when it measured 3.9 and you want it to be zero) on July 15 had dropped to 1.3!!!!!! After only 3 weeks of treatment!! The Dr. was pleased as were we. Also the type of MM she has is the IGG which (I think) stands for Immune Gamma Globulins and its count was at 4.7 on June 9. By July 15 it dropped to 1.9! Normal range is 0.6-1.6. So progress is being made, praise be to the Lord.

When we first visited the Dr., he said that four to six months into treatment we should have it under control enough to talk about doing a stem cell transplant. Well, he told us last Friday that it is time to start talking about the pros and cons of a stem cell transplant and get educated so we can make a decision about it. So pray for us to have wisdom in all this. (FYI - A stem cell transplant is the favored form of treatment. It involves harvesting her own immature blood cells, called stem cells, through a process called apheresis (sp?), putting them in cold storage, then giving her a high dose of chemo over three days to kill the cancer, [but it also kills her bone marrow and immune system], giving her lots of antibiotics to prevent infection, and then putting her stem cells back into the blood stream. Amazingly those stem cells set back up in the bone marrow and start producing blood cells again thus restoring one’s health. The Doc says it is 70% effective, but that the MM will come back in a few years. 30% of the time MM comes back quickly, and then one‘s immune system is very debilitated).

Over the weekend we got to spend a lot of time with two of our original 5 mission team families (we all go WAAAAY back to 1977). That was a wonderful time together. On Monday, Debbie got to see and visit with another first cousin from Miami who came in for the funeral of their cousin on Saturday, which Deb was not able to attend. So they got to visit and catch up and enjoy being with one another.

In the past week three different groups of our fellowship have prayed over Debbie for her healing, and we are most grateful. We sensed that God was working in all those sessions, especially the last one.

We go back to do lab work in two days, so hopefully, we will have even more good news then.

Keep praying, you have God’s ear. God is so good!


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thanks for small things

Zech. 4:10 says, "Who despises the day of small things?" In the day of Zechariah, Zerubbabel had completed the foundation of the temple, but some despised such a small thing as one stone being laid upon another.

Just a brick is not much. But many bricks cemented together will build a hearth, a fireplace, a wall, even the walls of a house. Each brick is a small thing, but when many are joined together they can be impressive.

One person praying is not necessarily a small thing because of the great God to whom we pray, but when hundreds of saints join their spirits together to pray in unity and agreement, those prayers move mountains. And we believe that God will answer your prayers for Deb's healing. Many have told us that they sense the Lord saying to them that this disease is only for a time. WE are grateful for the many who have stepped up to a higher plane in praying - not just for us, but for the kingdom. All together these saints put great fear into the Enemy. He has no defense against prayer. We have no offense without prayer, for it summons God's Sprit into empowering those who trust Him.

Who despises the day of small things? Not me - not anymore. Moving from a bedpan to a bedside commode is a small thing, just as is moving another 12 feet to the bathroom. But put them together and it is a great improvment (two weeks ago). Going from being stuck in a bed to being able to get up and walk with the help of someone lifting you is a small thing, as is being able to move about on one's own with one's hands on the legs, but then it improves to the point of walking erect with hands on the hips, it is a great thing (last week), as is getting rid of the hospital bed from one's house. (Got rid of it Tuesday - day before yesterday) Going from constantly having a bucket or barf bag nearby to taking no more thought of it for a week is a small brick each day that built up into an impressive block of time called a week-plus - (until an episode last night). So we start over today rebuilding another barfless time block.

Walking almost 2 blocks seems such a small thing, until realizing that the better part of 5 weeks were spent confined to a house or a room, with very little walking or exercise, and rejoicing takes place over the day of such a small thing that became big to us. Remember how exciting baby's first steps were? Why? It was such a small thing. But it was the beginning of bigger things. So is the recovery from illness or accident. So far recovery has been built one day at a time. God can heal immediately and completely at any moment. But He can also heal through time in those small events called days and weeks so that He can better work His will in all our lives. We shall wait on the Lord to reveal His will in his timing.

Our hearts are heavy this evening, for an event that we knew was coming for some time has now occurred. We received news that Debbie's first cousin, Barb, passed away after about 6 years of battling breast cancer. They were kindred spirits, about the same age, and they both loved Jesus and teaching children, Deb in Sunday school for years, and Barb as a great faith filled professional teaching children in the Broken Arrow, OK, public school system. Her laugh, smile and bubbly fun-loving spirit will always be fondly remembered as she glorified her God in every way. Our prayers are with her husband, children, parents, 4 siblings and their families.

God bless,


Monday, July 18, 2005

Prayers -- the greatest gift of all! - UPDATE (7/18/05)

1. That God will show us individually, as a family, and collectively as a body what He wants us to learn.
2. That we have wisdom in knowing which route to go in method of treatment.
3. Thank the Lord that Deb's food and meds are staying down.
4. Thank the Lord for the good report from neurosurgeon that she thinks the vertebra will rebuild itself within about 3 months' time; we pray that it will be even sooner than that, and that she can regain her ability to walk normally again very soon.
5. That God will have mercy and grace upon us all and heal Debbie COMPLETELY so that she may continue her areas of ministry, continue her role as mother and wife, and one day be the example and mentor to grandchildren and daughters-in-law that she has been to our two sons.
6. That God will guard Debbie angainst infections, blood clots, or any other complications that we don't even know to could be possibilities.
7. That as God comforts us we will be equipped to comfort others with the comfort we received. II Cor 1:3-4
8. That God will be glorified throughout this whole process, and that He will drive out all fear and anxiety about the future, as He fills our hearts with peace. He has been faithful to do this, by sending someone daily in person, in a note or an e-mail to encourage us. He is so faithful.
THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS!!!! Please continue to pray!


I (Debbie) want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your faithfulness to be in prayer on my behalf. I feel extremely humbled to know that hundreds of people are keeping me in their prayers. I feel the strength of those prayers every day, and know that God is hearing your heart cries. He supplies me with peace and fear or anxiety. All of this makes no earthly sense, given the kind of cancer I have.

I have a number of things for which we can give God thanks, so let me innumerate some of them, and you can join me in thanking my Faithful Father:
1) my food and meds are staying down (one week now!) 2) my pain has greatly diminished 3) my appetite is picking back up 4) I'm walking more and standing up straighter 4) I was able to be at church again this past Sunday (always a blessing!) 5) I drove for the first time today since I was in the hospital 6) I'm able to take more of the supplements that build my immune system.

God is answering a long-standing prayer of mine to experience more of His love. I knew He couldn't love me more than He already does, but I wanted to experience more of it.....move it from my head to my heart and KNOW it! He has backed up the truck, so to speak, over the past few weeks and has used many of you to spill out that love all over me. His love.....through you....has come in the form of visits, cards, e-mails, food, flowers, gifts, etc. I have never in my life been so overwhelmed with so many avenues of love in such a short period of time. But I know that love originates with My Heavenly Father, and you are the vessels He uses to pour it out. Thank you for being sensitive to the promptings. Some of you have written very personal messages to me, with Scriptures that have been impressed on your heart. I have read and re-read those notes. They are very precious to me. Thanks for taking the time.

I feel very encouraged. I feel stronger each day. My spirits are high. I take one day at a time, knowing that is a gift from the Lord. In all of this, my greatest desire is that God be glorified, so I do ask that you join me in asking for that.....however, He wants that to look. We are continuing to ask for the IMPOSSIBLE. We are asking for healing. Join us if you will in that request. I'm confident there are more things God wants us to learn as a body at RHCC while we walk through this valley together.....let's not miss it!

It's so wonderful to read your msgs on the blog and know that I'm not in this alone, that God has raised up an army of intercessors on my behalf.....I keep asking that He keep giving the burden, and people will not grow weary in prayer. Thank you for stepping into the gap......I'm greatly indebted to you for your prayers.....the GREATEST gift anyone can give me.

Together with you for HIM,


Friday, July 15, 2005

Lab & lunch update

We went to do lab work this a.m. Her PT (clotting rate) was exactly where they wanted it. Her red blood cell count went up fro 11.2 last week to 11.4 this week. (Normal is 12-16 so she is still a bit low.) She did get a shot of arenesp (sp?) to build the blood. She will take that shot every two weeks. Her white count was low again at 3.0 whereas a low normal count is 4.8. THat is why MM patients are so susceptible to infections. This was a "heads up" to me to practice and enforce purell washes on our hands and on any visitors too. Next week we will do labs and see the dr.

She walked into the lab udner her own power this week as opposed to the wheel chair last week! After we got out, I asked her if she was up to lunch downtown at her favorite sandwich shop, LaMadellin's. She was! She even walked two blocks each way, and that boosted her confidence. I guess it was the first time she has been out to eat in a month (since her initial visit on June 16 with the Hematologist.) It did her great! (Gotcha -You just thought I was going to write good.) She did come home and take a nap after lunch. Also, her appetite is returning, so that is good news too.

Interestingly, we keep running into former Saginaw contacts at the Lab. Last week we ran into our sons' high school basketball coach. This week we ran into our former neighbors across the street in Saginaw - both times as we were entering the building. (It is a small world we live in!) They both promised to keep Deb in their prayers.

She is feeling stronger today. Also I must have misunderstood the Dr. She is on the steroid for 4 days and off 4 days. So she will restart that treatment again tomorrow instead of today. She continues to keep everything down since Monday evening. That is a record for the past month.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughtfulnesses.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Frozen Custard


Some have asked for a written update so here it is. Today is Wed. This is the first day in which I have not been able to detect improvement in her condition. I think that is due to this being the second day off from her 4 days of steroid treatment. She was very tired this morning and went back to bed at 9:30 a.m. and is still asleep at 11 a.m., as I called the house and spoke to her mom. But rest is good!

After two upchucks on Monday, she thought some Frozen Custard would sound good, and it was good for her to get out of the house. We ran into the Hatchetts there (He is one of my colleagues). That helped her keep her evening meds down ( eating the custard helped, not seeing Chris Hatchett)!! Tuesday she did well and I took her back for some more Frozen Custard last night. She is addicted now. I won't be surprised if she doesn't have to have it 3 times a day! ha. You might ought to consider buying some shares in that stock! She may have to go thru Frzn Custard rehab treatment to get set free this fall! Anyway, everything has stayed down since 7 pm Monday night, PTL.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Good News fr. Dr.

We made our 3 pm appt. w/ the neurosurgeon. She said that Deb's two compression fractures are too small for kyphoplasty, especially in light of how much Debbie has improved over the past week and how much her pain has diminished. The Dr. said the fractures should heal and build back the indentations in the vertebra naturally - will probably take about 3 months for them to rebuild. She ordered a back brace to help her do more walking. She said that Deb should try to stand erect until the muscles tire and then lie down and rest them. (If the Dr. told me that, that would be a phrase I would get in writing and I would use from now on, especially when certain chores were due. Fortuantely, Deb didn't think that far ahead.) So God knows best, and He knew that we were impatiently jumping the gun on trying to get her more pain relief and mobility in hoping and praying for a quick fix with the kyphoplasty. I guess we are just impatient Americans who have adapted back into this instantaneous culture. But not everything can be had instantly, not even in Texas. And spiritually, many times, we just need to simmer for a while, like a good pot of chile. So we will put up with the heat while He refines us.

Duane and Deb

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Imptce. of Intercession by you

Dear Friends,

I really wanted Marcos to write this post since he had seen the most change in his mom. When he left on 7-4 to go back to ACU, Deb was not getting up on her own at all. When he arrived back yesterday (7-8), he reminded her of that when he saw that she was getting up on her own quite a bit, albeit having to support part of her upper body weight by holding onto her upper thighs, but that was great improvement. Also, she stopped taking breakfast in bed Friday and now makes it to the table. (I was relieved because I could see that breakfast in bed thing becoming very addictive! ha) I continue to see a strengthening and a lessening of pain in her moving about. We do believe the medications are knocking the myeloma down and hopefully out.

Some folks have been prompted by the Spirit to write encouraging words and to share Scriptures that really speak to our hearts. We are so encouraged. Our hearts are at peace - an answer to many of your prayers - and we have been at peace for some time now. The fact that my blood pressure is back into the normal range is a proof of that presence of the peace of God that passes all understanding. We know that whatever comes has been sifted through God's fingers and we trust Him above all. He has shown Himself to be True and trustworthy through all our many years of faith walk, and so it is easy to trust Him now - come whatever may come. Rom 8:18-39

Your prayers are so important to us because I cannot intercede for her as I would like to, so I depend upon the myriads of intercessions by thousands of praying saints. That forces me to put my trust in God and my hope in the prayers of my brothers and sisters in Christ. That is far more powerful anyway. Instead of feeling helpless, I feel more like the soldier who has been called out of the battle and told to watch and wait for the outcome while thousands fight the battle for him. So I thank you. And I ask you to continue to intercede for my precious bride of 29 years that she may return to her ministry of marshalling the saintly forces to making visits to the Throne Room of Heaven on the behalf of the Kingdom of God and for many of you.

Goodnight, and God bless you,

Duane for the Jenkses

Friday, July 08, 2005

Lab report


Just got back from doing labs a little while ago. Her PT test was normal. That is the (Prothrombin - sp?) test to verify if her blood is thin enough while taking the cummidin (sp?) to counteract the clotting tendencies of the two cancer fighting drugs she is taking. Her white cells were in the low normal range, and red cells were at 11.1 which just below the normal range, but keep in mind that she was down to 7.2 on that count when she got the blood transfusion. So it is still in the okay range. Won't know about how well the drugs are working until next week or the week after when the Dr. is back from vacation.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Progress report and upcoming Dr. appts.

Dear Ones,

We will see the neuro surgeon on Monday - finally. I suppose we will find out then whether she is a candidate for the treatment to rebuild the vertebra with the compression fracture. One comment on the day that I mentioned that, has a web link and a description of chykoplasty (sp?). That is the procedure of putting balloons and cement into the vertebra.

Again I must say how overwhelmed we have been with your attention and love. She gets nearly a dozen cards a day. Everyone I see tells me they are praying for us. Plenty of food is being brought in and it is a blessing because there seems to be so little time to do those necessary things like cooking. A trio is coming Saturday to do some cleaning. (Girls, don't do too good a job or she may try to hire you every week even after she gets able to do it again!) Secondly, thank you for overlooking my typos, sometimes my fingers seem faster than the keys and I am in too much of a hurry to proofread and correct much. If it is intelligible I jsut leave it - see! jSut like that.

I can see a tiny improvement in Debbie each day, even if she only sees it every other or every third day. It is seen in comportment, lessening pain, increased mobility, attitude, fewer naps, etc. For example, this evening she sat in a chair and cleaned out the fridge for a few minutes. She hasn't been able to do that for the past 4 weeks. That is encouraging (her cleaning the fridge) because it tells me the treatment is working. The hematologist said she would begin to feel better even before the numbers improved in the blood work. We go to the hematologist's office tomorrow to do lab work. It may even show up in that blood work that she is improving, or it may take until next week. We start the steroid (Decadron) treatment again tomorrow for 4 days, then 3 off and 4 days on, then 3 off ...

Her nausea seems to be improving a bit. Could it have been my cooking for two weeks that sent her to the hospital?

Her mother, Mary, moved to Ft. Worth two years ago, we thought for us to help take care of her. But no - it was apparently for her to help take care of Deb and she has been a few hours each day during the week to help out around the house and be Deb's legs to get this and that for her. God is good in his provisions. We are so grateful we don't have little ones at home to have to take care of in addition to an adult in need of help. That would be overwhelming.

I am getting more comfortable in flushing her PICC line with Heparin each day. I might be ready to give injections real soon - any takers out there? I didn't think so. Marcos is at ACU this month taking two classes, but he plans to come home each weekend to see his momma and me - at least that's what we tell each other - we know he is really coming to see his girlfriend Emily. She is a real sweetheart.

Goodnight, and God bless. Pray that we get good reports Friday and Monday.

Duane for the family

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Small but Great improvment

Dear Friends,

Just a quick update:

bottom line - Deb is back to where she was a day or two before we took her to the hospital. Last night (July 4th) she got up on her own a couple of times - she does that by not standing erect, staying a bit stooped and either putting her hands on her upper thighs or holding onto something else to take the weight off her spine. I am actually able to leave her for a while and her mom is coming to stay with her this morning and afternoon.


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Equipping the house

Dear Friends and Family,

Thankfully, we finally got out of prison, err, I mean the hospital Saturday afternoon at 4. Good thing too, cause I was about to married to a crazy woman if we didn't get home and soon. This has been good for her emotions - which by the way, are affected greatly by the medications she is on, especially the steroid, which we are now off of until July 8 - other Multiple Myeloma patients have enlightened us aobut some of these things, and how to expect the ups and downs and reclusive attitudes. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Anyway, we got a portapotty and other items as we arrived home. (I just had to throw that portapotty word picture in for all you construction folks as you try to figure out how to get one inside, and then what! ha I suppose the actual name is a potty chair so you can now get the little white and aluminum piece of furniture correctly pictured in your mind.)

The nausea continued from Friday evening at the hospital until Saturday evening at home - another request to the dr. for a px and a trip to pharmacy for suppositories seem to have finally done the trick. She has kept food and drink and meds down for 24 hours now. For that we are msot grateful.

This morning I thought I would go to the 8 am service, but we had rude awakenings about how poorly equipped and staffed we are in this house. That hospital room had nurses just a button away to help anytime I was in over my head, which at my height means considerable trouble. Here, we don't even have the button! I realized by about 7:15 I wouldn't be making it to church
today. We needed a hospital bed with a motor and rails - badly - but this was Sunday a.m on 4th of July weekend. Well the home health nurse came at 10:30 and she knew how to get things done! By 1:30 pm we had a hospital bed set up in the bedroom! What an amazing country we live in! God bless the USA!

An angel was sent by the Lord to bring us dinner last night, and again for lunch today - this angel was disguised to look and act a lot like Laura Reppart. Heavenly food was so delicious cause it was disguised as home cooking. Another angel who lives nearby had offered to do anything so I asked Angela Mallette to buy some items we needed. What sweethearts they are.

I can tell that I am going to be tied down a lot in ministering to my wife over the next couple of weeks, so be careful of offering to do anything. ONe fellow did that and I asked him toofficiate a wedding in my place, at which he immediatley began crawfishing, which I must admit I enjoyed his discomfort way too much last week and began to dig him a good bit about it. But Kim Mallette came to my, - I mean - the bride's rescue and tied the knot a week ago today. (I know I should not mention people and their acts of kindness because there have already been many and many more will come and I won't be able to mention all of them - probably because these three will cut my tongue out - no, that won't work, but they may cut my typing fingers off.

Enough of the levity - Deb and I have never felt so loved and accepted as we do by so many in our church family, blood relatives, and friends. It is humbling, but oh so very sweet. She has received over 100 get well cards (we quit counting) numerous calls, and about 60 visitors the first Saturday in the hospital. We felt so loved and cherished. Thank you. We cannot thank you enough. And then the steroids began to kick in late Saturday night, plus the further deterioration in her condition made visiting an impossibility. She did sleep a lot during those days in the hospital which is apparently just what the Great Physician ordered for my bride.
It is 7:25, and time for mored meds and a move for Deb.

God bless,

Duane for the family

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Home Sweet Home!

Yes I am writing this from home. Since Dr. Wilson, the neuro surgeon, still had yet to look at the MRIs and was not going to anytime soon, Mom released herself this afternoon. As you can imagine her sanity depended on getting out of there soon since she had not been ouside in 8 days. We picked up the prescriptions and supplies today and had the home health services bring some essential things to the house as well. She is still nauseous much of the time and she felt compelled to remind us of that as soon as we got home. : ) Mom still has pain when she tries to stand or walk but at least she is capable of being somewhat mobile. An improvement over a week ago. Praise God!

Keep praying that Dr. Wilson will get around to looking at the MRI and CT scan soon and be able to find a simple solution to Mom's pain. Also pray that her nausea will subside so she can get some much needed nourishment and relief. Most of all pray that she be cured!

Thank you all for your prayers and petitions to God. It's good to be home. Bring on the Food : )
Web Site Manager

Friday, July 01, 2005

We just got back from an hour and a half (from 6:30-8:05) of Deb stuck in a huge doughnut (MRI) after doing a CT scan at 1:30 this afternoon - fortunately it was a 10 minute test. With this being her third MRI the past 30 days and her last one lasting almost 3 hours and killing her back with pain, she was very anxious about it so the Dr. allowed her to have some adavan which pretty well put her out and allowed her to sleep thru it. However, it caused her to throw up when the tech woke her up and brought her out, but her quick acting hubby grabbed a nearby trash basket and caught it all without getting any of it on her top nor the sheets. Applause! (I aplogize for my "sick" humor, but ya gotta laugh at situations.

The neuro-surgeon wanted the CT and MRI done here because she couldn't see clearly enough on the last one and the hospital MRI's are much more powerful. Hopefully the Dr. can see what the problem is and it can be corrected with a shot of cortisone or something into the disc (this is just me talking - and hoping) - that it is a simple fix. I think we are due a simple fix, because nothing in this whole ordeal has been all that simple. We are hoping the doc will see us in the morning and let us know what the results are. I am going to spend the night tonight with her because she is still groggy and secondly, surgeons often make real early rounds and I sure want to hear what she says.

Please pray for a simple fix to this pain in her back when she tries to stand. God bless and good night.
Duane for Deb, Tracy and Marcos

The neuro surgeon called our nurse to order another MRI and a CT scan. This probably means we will not be leaving the hospital today.

We still have not heard anything back from the neuro surgeon but Dr. Negron came in this morning for his daily check up. He watched Debbie get up and walk down the hall then told us that SHE MAY LEAVE THE HOSPITAL THIS AFTERNOON! He was going to try and get a hold of the neuro surgeon and if she did not find anything then he would come back at 5:00 to release Deb!