Friday, July 01, 2005

We just got back from an hour and a half (from 6:30-8:05) of Deb stuck in a huge doughnut (MRI) after doing a CT scan at 1:30 this afternoon - fortunately it was a 10 minute test. With this being her third MRI the past 30 days and her last one lasting almost 3 hours and killing her back with pain, she was very anxious about it so the Dr. allowed her to have some adavan which pretty well put her out and allowed her to sleep thru it. However, it caused her to throw up when the tech woke her up and brought her out, but her quick acting hubby grabbed a nearby trash basket and caught it all without getting any of it on her top nor the sheets. Applause! (I aplogize for my "sick" humor, but ya gotta laugh at situations.

The neuro-surgeon wanted the CT and MRI done here because she couldn't see clearly enough on the last one and the hospital MRI's are much more powerful. Hopefully the Dr. can see what the problem is and it can be corrected with a shot of cortisone or something into the disc (this is just me talking - and hoping) - that it is a simple fix. I think we are due a simple fix, because nothing in this whole ordeal has been all that simple. We are hoping the doc will see us in the morning and let us know what the results are. I am going to spend the night tonight with her because she is still groggy and secondly, surgeons often make real early rounds and I sure want to hear what she says.

Please pray for a simple fix to this pain in her back when she tries to stand. God bless and good night.
Duane for Deb, Tracy and Marcos


At 7/02/2005 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie,

Your family is continually covered in prayer. We are very thankful for this blog so that we can pray with each update. We love you so much and we miss you!

Rob & Krista

And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.

Psalms 50:15


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