Friday, July 01, 2005

We still have not heard anything back from the neuro surgeon but Dr. Negron came in this morning for his daily check up. He watched Debbie get up and walk down the hall then told us that SHE MAY LEAVE THE HOSPITAL THIS AFTERNOON! He was going to try and get a hold of the neuro surgeon and if she did not find anything then he would come back at 5:00 to release Deb!


At 7/01/2005 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Duane and Debbie and Marcus and Tracy,

I love blogs and am happy that you have one and can keep us updated while at the hospital. That is great news that Deb may go home today! Praise God!!

We love and are praying for all of you,

In Christ,

Marilyn and Ron

At 7/01/2005 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie,

Thanks so much for the update Duane.

Debbie you have been in my thoughts and prayers daily. We just got out of a staff meeting at CGC and we prayed for you. I hope and pray that you will be able to go home soon. God is faithful and with you. I love you sweet sister.

Georgia Freitas

At 7/01/2005 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie,

What a HUGE praise!! We are rejoicing with you in the news!!!

Thank you for this site. We have never used a blog but it will sure be neat to hear and interact with you and others praying for you both! We love and miss you!

For His Glory!!

Jon, Jamie, Sarah, and Emily

At 7/01/2005 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dennis e Debora.

Tenho orado por voces e acompanhando as noticias. A Igreja aqui em São Paulo esta sabendo, tenho pedido orações a eles por voces. A Igreja em Fortaleza tambem estão em oração. Falei hoje com minha mãe e ela disse que foi anunciado na Igreja. Eles tambem oram por voces.
Um grande abraço a todos!
Fiquem com Deus!

At 7/01/2005 10:30 AM, Blogger Jonathan Storment said...

Hey guys, I am glad to see that ya'll know about blogging. That's impressive! Mrs. Debbie I am so happy to hear that you are doing better. Leslie and I are constantly in prayer about you and your family. If there is anything that we can do to help, just let us know. Maybe I could bring some Taco Bueno over when you get to feeling a little better. (I don't know about you but that always makes me feel a litte better).
I love you guys a lot, and can't wait for you to get home!


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