Sunday, June 03, 2007

Treatment Time Again

After watching the main marker for Myeloma (M Protein spike) remain at 0.1 for a year (which is great, but absolute 0 is best), it began creeping up last August and increased a tenth of a point each month through December to 0.6. Then in February it jumped to 0.9 and then up to 1.4 in April and 1.6 in May. It became obvious that the myeloma was active and messing with the other blood counts, which had remained in normal ranges until April. So Debbie has made the decision to treat it again with the steroid Decadron and a new drug, Revlimid, which is an improved, cleaned up and improved drug that is 100 times more powerful than Thalidimide which she took almost two years ago for 3 months. Because it so powerful she takes a tenth as much as before so that in reality it is only 10 times more powerful. She took her first doses on May 20, praying for the side effects to be minimal, but that the desired effect of repressing the myeloma would be maximized.

When she got the news of the continued rise in the marker on Wednesday the 16th, she was discouraged, but God in His providence sent two angels of mercy to encourage her at church that night. One introduced herself and told Deb that she was praying for her, though they’d never met. The other loaned her a wonderful little book about healing which buoyed her faith again on Thursday. Then she found out Thursday evening that our friend and naturopath, Dr. Carr, had spent an hour praying specifically for her that morning. Friday we saw the oncologist. He was relieved that she was finally ready to treat it again with pharmaceutical drugs. He was cute as he left the room saying in essence and with a smile that if he had another patient as tough and independent minded as Deb, it would be too much and he would have to retire (smile)!

We pray for a great response to the prayers on her behalf and to the treatment so that healing will occur. Fortunately, she feels good and strong, and she has minimal pain. So we rest in God’s sweet peace trusting in His power and grace.



At 6/05/2007 7:28 AM, Blogger Tam said...

We are praying many times daily, myself and my family. We trust God for healing and for His glory to be shown to us, the doctors, and others who suffer with this disease.

At 6/05/2007 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A large number of people came to him. They brought many other sick people and put them before him. There were people who could not walk, people who were blind, crippled or deaf, and many others. Jesus healed them all." Matthew 15:30

Be strong and courageous for God is your Mighty Tower, the One Who Heals and the One Who Delivers.


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