Lab report
Just got back from doing labs a little while ago. Her PT test was normal. That is the (Prothrombin - sp?) test to verify if her blood is thin enough while taking the cummidin (sp?) to counteract the clotting tendencies of the two cancer fighting drugs she is taking. Her white cells were in the low normal range, and red cells were at 11.1 which just below the normal range, but keep in mind that she was down to 7.2 on that count when she got the blood transfusion. So it is still in the okay range. Won't know about how well the drugs are working until next week or the week after when the Dr. is back from vacation.
Duane, Thanks for the update. God is beginning to answer our prayers in her behalf and in the behalf of the rest of the family. We will not quit praying . Thanks for the prayer requests list. Hug Debbie for us , and tell her we love her very much. Derrel and Kay, Vernon,TX
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