Monday, July 11, 2005

Good News fr. Dr.

We made our 3 pm appt. w/ the neurosurgeon. She said that Deb's two compression fractures are too small for kyphoplasty, especially in light of how much Debbie has improved over the past week and how much her pain has diminished. The Dr. said the fractures should heal and build back the indentations in the vertebra naturally - will probably take about 3 months for them to rebuild. She ordered a back brace to help her do more walking. She said that Deb should try to stand erect until the muscles tire and then lie down and rest them. (If the Dr. told me that, that would be a phrase I would get in writing and I would use from now on, especially when certain chores were due. Fortuantely, Deb didn't think that far ahead.) So God knows best, and He knew that we were impatiently jumping the gun on trying to get her more pain relief and mobility in hoping and praying for a quick fix with the kyphoplasty. I guess we are just impatient Americans who have adapted back into this instantaneous culture. But not everything can be had instantly, not even in Texas. And spiritually, many times, we just need to simmer for a while, like a good pot of chile. So we will put up with the heat while He refines us.

Duane and Deb


At 7/11/2005 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie...
I am so happy to hear the news about the fractures, what a blessing. I know waiting is no fun, but I am so thankful no furthur procedure has to be done for the fracture! I have been overwhelmed and incredibly blessed by the great example of faith I have seen in y'all. I often don't know what to say, but know that my prayers are being lifted up. I pray for the healing to continue, and I praise God for the lessons and miracles that have already been shown. I was so glad y'all were both at church yesterday, and I was blessed to hear Debbie praising God in song. You are both still giving to God, at a time when you could easily focus on yourselves. God is being glorified. I am always thankful to be dating a wonderful Christian man like Marcos, but I was equally blessed when he came with an amazing family. I love y'all, and "Martha" don't hesitate to call=)


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