Monday, June 18, 2007

Good News!

Since my last writing, God has been answering the prayers of the army He's raised up to pray for Debbie. Thank you to each of you who are keeping her/us in your prayers. There are not sufficient words to thank you adequately.

I'm now realizing that what I thought was very active Myeloma over the last 6 months apparently was imperceptable.....the MRI and X-rays show "stable." There were no new Myeloma spots, cracks or fractures. Though Debbie has/is experiencing some pain, I no longer look at it as loss of improvement, but rather her body responding to the Revlimid and Decadron that she is currently taking.

Another great praise is that the M-Protein marker has dropped from 1.8 to .9 in about 3 weeks time. This is the first time it has dropped in 11 months. Two years ago at diagnosis, the M-Protein was at 4.8. This is an amazing improvement for which we thank God and recognize He's heard the cries of His children! Thank you again for your prayer support! While this is somewhat elevated, it's not bad.....that's where she was in December when the oncologist was unconcerned and not ready to take action. She started her second round of the drugs yesterday......we pray this brings the count to 0.

I thought her stamina had dropped, but it hasn't. She continues to do the things she has been doing (minus lifting). She walks almost every day.....sometimes twice a day. Her energy level is good.

I realize now that writing what I did at 3:30a.m. probably didn't give me a very clear perspective on things. We are greatly encouraged and want to ask you to join us in praising God for what He has done. Please continue to pray IN FAITH!



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