Home Sweet Home!
Yes I am writing this from home. Since Dr. Wilson, the neuro surgeon, still had yet to look at the MRIs and was not going to anytime soon, Mom released herself this afternoon. As you can imagine her sanity depended on getting out of there soon since she had not been ouside in 8 days. We picked up the prescriptions and supplies today and had the home health services bring some essential things to the house as well. She is still nauseous much of the time and she felt compelled to remind us of that as soon as we got home. : ) Mom still has pain when she tries to stand or walk but at least she is capable of being somewhat mobile. An improvement over a week ago. Praise God!
Keep praying that Dr. Wilson will get around to looking at the MRI and CT scan soon and be able to find a simple solution to Mom's pain. Also pray that her nausea will subside so she can get some much needed nourishment and relief. Most of all pray that she be cured!
Thank you all for your prayers and petitions to God. It's good to be home. Bring on the Food : )
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That is such good news to know that Debbie is home! I praise God for this and pray that she won't have to go back, that her nausea will pass and that a 'simple' fix will take care of that pain. But baby steps forward are good to hear. I pray Debbie will sleep well tonight in her OWN bed next to her hubby with those great sons close by. We send all our love to all of you.
In Jesus,
Marilyn and Ron Holland
And even we Christians, although we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, also groan to be released from pain and suffering. We, too, wait anxiously for that day when God will give us our full rights as his children, including the new bodies he has promised us.
Romans 8:22-24
We are confident that as you share in suffering, you will also share God's comfort.
2 Corinthians 1:7
My love and prayers to all of you. Praise God for each bit of good news.
Hello dear Jenks Family! I'd like to say that all you are much special for us and you are a big exemple of faith for us. Samara & me got much worry when we received your last news, but now our hearts are much more comfortable, because we know that God is at the control of everything - this is wonderful! We know that all you are at God's hands. I am sure that Debra is going to be well soon! I know that God is using you for something.. He has a wonderful plan and porpose for your lives! I'd like to say that me, Samara and all Chruch of Christ from CearĂ¡ are praying for Debra's heath. I love all you! God bless, Gilmara & Samara.
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