Kyphoplasty next week!
After an MRI last week and a visit with the neurosurgeon today (10-24-05), Debbie has two vertebras that are now candidates for kyphoplasty (this is the outpatient surgical procedure that involves putting a needle into the compressed or collapsed vertebra, using a balloon to raise it back to near normal size, then filling it with a cement to hold the pieces of the vertebra in place). Of course the Hematologist will have to okay it first, but it was his idea to start with, so we are sure that he will naturally defer to the neurosurgeon's recommendation on this which is, "let's do it." Each vertebra takes about an hour, and she will work Deb into her surgical schedule one day next week. Then she will need to take it easy for a couple of months while the other vertebras adjust to the "new shape" (nearly normal shape) of these two vertebra. She doesn't want these two reformed and strengthened vertebras causing any new compression fractures on weak vertebras nearby.
Debbie is greatly encouraged by this news and very hopeful that this will reduce her pain and discomfort in her back and increase her mobility. We are prayerful that her blood work late this week will also bring encouraging news. We appreciate your prayers and encouragement more than you can know. May God bless you.
Duane and Deb