Sunday, October 09, 2005

Refreshing vacation

Deb and I did what we never dreamed would be possible for her to do just two months ago - left town for a vacation. We went to Harding's lectures (our second alma mater) and heard superb keynote lectures, saw a few friends there, visited my (Duane's) folks in Muskogee, Ok, then visited the Lawsons (one of the original 5 families on our mission team in Brazil) in Fayetteville, AR, then spent three days on Lake Texoma. We really needed that break from the grind of the past 10 months. So that is why the blog has not been updated in a couple of weeks.

Our first alma mater, York College in York, NB, (where Deb and I met, by the way) has been a blessing to us this past month after a student called us, talked, ended up reading our blog, shared it with her supervisor who has shared it with others. The York family is praying for Deb's healing and recuperation and has sent numerous cards, even though most of them do not know or remember us. York gave me two of the greatest years of my life as I grew spiritually by coming to kow Jesus better and as I learned about sacrifice and commitment. Yorkies are a special family and we are blessed to be a part of it still.

Deb goes for an MRI tomorrow to see if her T-12 vertebra is a candidate for Kyphoplasty. Remember to keep praying for complete remission this month and to ask God in faith that this cancer never return in her body, as we go for more blood work the end of the month to determine her progress.

God bless you all, and keep praying!


At 10/10/2005 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so thankful for your time of refreshing. I am praying right now for Debbie's complete healing. May God continue to give you times of refreshing each day. We love you both!
Carrie Gurley

At 10/10/2005 7:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you on Sunday. Debbie - you continue to be in my prayers and I am so encouraged by the travels you and Duane have been able to enjoy. You are both such a blessing to so many, including me!
Hugs,Mindy Tyndall

At 10/10/2005 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so glad you got to take the trip and that you continue to do well. What an awesone answer to our prayers. We love you and think of you so often. Thanks for keeping us posted . Derrel and Kay

At 10/11/2005 1:15 PM, Blogger Missionary's Missionary said...

From one Yorkie to two of York's greatest graduates: praise God for his beautiful gifts to you. I continue to pray!


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