Thursday, June 30, 2005


1. That God will show us individually, as a family, and collectively as a body what He wants us to learn.

2. For our doctors to have wisdom and insight in treating Deb.

3. That they can find the source of the back pain and alleviate it.

4. That the hospital staff and doctors will see Christ living in us.

5. That God will have mercy and grace upon us all and heal Debbie so that she may continue her areas of ministry, continue her role as mother and wife, and one day be the example and mentor to grandchildren and daughters-in-law that she has been to the two boys.

6. That we will rely on God's strength. Isa. 40:31

7. That as God comforts us we will be equipped to comfort others with the comfort we received. II Cor 1:3-4

We have been here in the hospital for seven days now. The doc came in this morning and said he thinks that Deb has turned a corner last night and this morning. Deb was able to get up on her own and took a bath with a little help. That is a huge improvement over the past week when she had to have a shot of morphine, lots of help, and even still was in excruciating pain while trying to stand. We are waiting on the neuro surgeon to report to us what she has concluded from the MRIs and X-rays. She should give us a report this afternoon. We thank you for all of your prayers and the many cards and calls! Please continue to pray for her to be encouraged and in better spirits.

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