Praise Report! Good News Again!
As I mentioned in the last post, Deb’s oncologist had noted a "slight increase" in one of her markers in late September and ordered a series of tests including an MRI.
The oncologist gave us great news today! First, keep in mind that he has told us on numerous occasions that the myeloma tumors or lesions in her bone marrow will be there from now on, nor do they diminish in size. Secondly, keep in mind that all her vertebras had many lesions (tumors). We praise God because this new MRI report says that there has been an improvement or diminishing of those myeloma lesions throughout the spine and that there are only "a few small ones" while where the other lesions have been, they are now "essentially invisible". She has been taking an alternative supplement since November last year which is supposed to reduce multiple myeloma tumors so we praise the Lord for His provisions. In addition, the new more refined blood test that he repeated last week indicated that she is totally in the normal range. (this confirmed the findings discovered in August, by the same test). Also, her IGG marker has been well under the normal range for a year now, but has been gradually rising. Today is the first time is too has moved into the normal range! The Dr. assured her her kidneys looked good, and all other check points were right where they needed to be. The oncologist saw no reason to change what she is doing and just recommended that we check her blood work again in 6 weeks, to see if the M Protein moves back down. So we will simply praise the Lord and wait for more good news then.
God is so good. Won't you praise Him with us?