Waiting Game
We found out from the neurosurgeon's office that it will be another week to ten days before the bone marrow biopsy reports come back (since it was not a rush order like it was when we were trying to get a diagnosis). So we will be patient.
Deb continues to feel better from the kyphoplasty, mainly just hurting where the four tiny incisions were made. Those have closed and continue to heal. She does have to be careful to not bend, etc., for the next 6 weeks so as not to cause another vertebra to get a compression fracture.
Keep her in your prayers about a speaking appointment. She will be speaking at our Ladies Fall Renewal on Tuesday night, Nov. 15 on the subject, "Cracked, Broken, or Just Plain Empty Pots." They want her to tell how God has worked in her life in all this and draw spiritual applications. Public speaking is something that she is very hesitant to do, but has done it a little for womens groups over the years and God always uses her, even though she is reluctant.
She was asked to do this back in July the week after she got out of the hospital and turned it down thinking there is no way she could improve that much that fast to do this. The lady who asked her really sensed the Lord telling her to ask Debbie (and when she thinks she hears from Him, she is seldom wrong). So by faith they held out for Deb and did not get another speaker. About three or four weeks ago, Deb realized that God had healed her enough to do this and was sorry that she had not had enough faith in July to go for it, but she did not need that stress on her as she recuperated. Then a week later Deb finds out that they still want her to do it. Wow! God knows what he is doing. We should have seen that invitation in July, when things were so bleak, as a promise that healing was on its way.
By the way, Rick Atchley had an outstanding lesson on lust today in his series, Extreme Makeover, Heart Edition. You can access it at www.rhchurch.org, then click on Sermons Online (it is the fifth line down in left hand collumn of blue items). I recommend this message for both genders. (By the way, I don't think I have ever heard a sermon of his that was not outstanding)
God bless
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Hi Debbie,
Just wanted to remind you that you are still in our prayers and to send a confession statement that I came across on line the other day that has really blessed me. Everytime I read it, your name comes to mind so I thought maybe I should be sharing it with you. This was in an article by Francis Frangipane and is in answer to the question...How are you doing under the circumstances? Here goes...
"I'm not under the circumstances- I'm seated with Christ in heavenly places. My Father is God. There is no weapon formed against me that can prosper. I'm born again from above a new creation; I am a partaker of the divine nature.
Yes-I face conflict which God uses to perfect my character-but He also leads us in triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Cor. 2:14 I am alive together with Christ (Col 2) and positioned in the shelter of God's domain.
Lord forgive me for dwelling in the basement of my old nature rather than in the penthouse of Your love and promises. You have chosen me to reveal Your life; You've given me Your Holy Spirit and spoken to me through Your word. I am Your child, born from above and destined to inherit Your glory. I worship You, My Lord and King!"
Debbie, I hope this encourages you like it has me.
God Bless,
Ruth Ann Demaree
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