Friday, August 26, 2005

Oncologist's reaction

We went back to the Hematologist this morning for the dreaded time of telling him that Deb would not be doing the stem cell transplant. She told him, and boy, did God answer those prayers! It was NO BIG DEAL.

He simply said, "Okay. Then we will continue to do what we are doing." In addition he was positive and upbeat about her future since she has had a great "response to treatment" (we believe it to be a great response to prayer). He said that the verdict is still out on whether or not the transplant actually is the better route to go due to the great new medicines available and he believes there will be a cure in her lifetime - a drug that a pill a day will keep MM away. He expects her to have a complete remission in the next few months - I gather that that means no sign of the MM in her bone marrow anywhere, and he plans to do another bone marrow biopsy in a few months to verify that. (I believe that complete remission would show up now due to God's intervention in July.) But we will play his game of timing the biopsy. She will move from taking the steroid treatment every three weeks to once a month (four days on, 26 off) starting September 2. We figure that can't hurt her liver too much. We are continuing with modified supplements and diet changes, and are going to work more aggressively on building the bones back, especially her spine.

We went to Tulsa Wednesday and Thursday for me to officiate my cousin's funeral. My parents were so pleased at how well she looked and how wellshe was getting down, because they were down here when she was at her lowest the end of June. Deb really enjoyed getting out on the road and away and she did really well on the ride and all - I think the part she most enjoyed was getting off the diet! ha. The funeral was a celebration of a life well lived, and I opened it up at the end for people to tell what Gary had meant to them and about 8 people did so. It went great! Their vignettes were so powerful and a blessing to the family and friends.

God bless you all,
Duane and Debbie


At 8/26/2005 8:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Duane and Debbie,
Praise God! As I have listened to Rick's lessons on Courage, I have thought of you and how you have fought such a valiant fight! I remember a statement you made to Emily early on, that you hoped God would use this experience to build other's faith. I would expect that even some in the medical profession are having their faith built up because of your visible love of and belief in our God. We continue to pray for you and your family. What an awesome God we serve!
Love, Mindy Tyndall

At 8/26/2005 8:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 8/28/2005 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 8/31/2005 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God! It is an incredible thing to be part of His body. I know that God will deliver you through this and we will give glory to His name. I am sharing your story with people here in New York. Thanks for keeping us updated.

At 9/03/2005 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie and Duane,
Sooo joyful about your progress!
Hallelujah! Your blog has been very helpful and encouraging to all of us. It also lets us know of what to pray for specifically. Deb, I'm praying for your diet & for you and your body to overcome any challenges. Paul & I have been transitioning from the Standard American Diet to a modified Hallelujah diet( yes! there are those days that we just don't feel like eating those raw foods(salads)over and over but we repent and get back to it real quick ha! because the benefits are great. We now have a variety of recipes both cooked and raw to choose from. I review George Malkmus' audio tape, "How to eliminate Sickness" many times to remind me why am I doing this diet? based on Gen.1:29. God is so Good! We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made. May the Lord bless your body to undergo the complete self-healing process as you take in the foods/fuel that nourish your cells.
Let us pray. "Lord, we praise You because You are the God who performs miracles. You are displaying your power as you completely heal Debbie. You are a shield around Debbie & Duane. All honor and praise be to You!" Amen.

Debbie, you have helped me connect with God day by day. I love you, sister. HWM


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