Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Decisions and Prayer requests


Dear Faith Family,

I have sat on this for a week before copying it to the blog, just to be sure we wanted to share it. From here on I will try to update this blog each Saturday.

We went to Baylor Medical Center in Dallas on August 11 to talk with a transplant physician. He was very personable and of course, knowledgeable. He spent an hour and a half with us explaining all the options transplant wise, and answering all our questions (Tracy and Marcos went too.) For new readers who may not have read what a stem cell transplant is – FYI here is a simple explanation. Stem cells are immature blood cells that can be harvested, frozen until needed and then put back into the body at a later date. After harvesting them one receives a strong dose of chemotherapy to kill the cancer cells in one’s body, however that chemo also kills one’s bone marrow. After chemo, the stem cells are put back into the blood stream, they gravitate to the bone marrow and set up shop making blood cells again.

Here are some facts that we gleaned:

  • About 98% of stem cell transplant patients survive the procedure.
  • The successful stem cell transplant for Multiple Myeloma (MM) patients will buy them about two or three years before the cancer returns
  • About 30% of the time, the MM still returns shortly after the transplant
  • Even after a stem cell transplant, most hematologists want to continue a suppressing treatment – in other words, Deb would continue taking the same medication treatments she is currently taking until they no longer had any effect upon suppressing the cancer.
  • Then one would try another drug type of treatment (and there are a few to choose from, though by far the most effective is the one she is currently on) to try to suppress the MM and get it under control again for a while.
  • They say that the best results from a stem cell transplant occur when it is done during the first 4 – 6 months of treatment and during the first remission. It has decreasing results after each relapse.

We did not hear anything that changed our minds about not doing the transplant to combat MM. At this point in time, we do not plan to ever do a transplant procedure. We don’t expect everyone to agree with us, but we ask you to accept our decision and to support us in it.

The doctors say that MM always comes back. However, I asked the transplant dr. if he knew of any MM patients in whom it appeared that there was some divine intervention. Yes, he knew of a handful of such cases. I asked him if their MM had returned. He said “Not yet.” He has only been doing this for 8 years though. But that is all we needed to hear. We are confident that there was some divine intervention the last week of July - I believe it was the 25th.

Just as the Israelites trusted in the Lord rather than horses and chariots, we are going to trust in the Lord and the incredible doors He has opened to us. We want God to be glorified through all this. (Phil 1:20-21) We will work hard on our diet and add supplements in an effort to keep her blood ph on the alkaline side rather than the acidic so that the cancer cannot return. (Up until a year ago we knew nothing about this truth. God’s providential timing is perfect). This route gives us the hope of 20+ more years. May the Lord bless those efforts. For the time being, we plan to continue the maintenance therapy with the steroid Dexamethasone four days a month and a daily dose of Thalidomide.

We continue to covet your prayers that the MM stays in remission until it is declared as cured, that her blood stay in a healthy alkaline state, that her back continue to heal the fractures and strengthen all her weakened bones, that her strength return, and that the regular gloom and doom visits with the Hematologist will not dampen our faith with doubts as we maintain a positive outlook. This route also may allow the Hematologist to grow his faith as he sees Deb’s continual improvement in spite of his prognosis.

May our God bless you with an abiding sense of His presence ever being near you until He calls each of us home to be with Him.

Duane and Deb


At 8/18/2005 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to say thank you for your latest posting. I know these are not easy decisions having dealt with cancer myself and the accompanying treatment options. I completely support your family in what you decide. I praise God for His divine guidance and the good results you have had. I know He will continue to take care of you Debbie. He has proven that over and over to me. He never leaves us or forsakes us. I pray all His good plans and purposes for you and your family will be completely realized and all the glory will go to Him. Your sister in Christ--

At 8/18/2005 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie - Of course we, your blog groupies, will support you in your decision to not have the transplant. Although each of us or might make a different decision for ourselves, you must make the decision to which God leads you. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. We know God will bless you and use you for His glory.

Sue Wenger

At 8/18/2005 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duane and Debbie,
Thank you for sharing your story of faith in our faithful God. We stand with you in prayer, support and love. I found much comfort this year in knowing nothing is too big for God and certainly nothing ever surprises Him. He is glorified through your walk with Him.
Loving Him with you,

At 8/19/2005 4:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Duane & Debbie,
You are in our prayers as you daily walk with the Lord. I know that He is mightier than any doctors. May you feel the peace that only He can supply as you walk along this journey. Please know that you are not alone is this battle. There are so many people in prayer for you. "The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace" Rom 8:6

Karen & Rich

At 8/19/2005 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:2-3

We totally support you in all you do. We know the Lord is guiding you through as only He can. Your faith will get you through this "bend in the road." (If you haven't already, ready Dr David Jeremiah's book, Bend in the Road.)

Our prayers are with you always.

Tony & Carolyn

At 8/23/2005 6:52 AM, Blogger Missionary's Missionary said...

Duane and Debbie,

I support your decision. I will continue to pray for each member of your family. I will continue to ask God for Deb's complete healing.

Your faith has strengthened me and my resolve to be thankful in all circumstances and to give God the glory at all times. My love for you grows as I come to know you better. Thank you.

Love's prayers...Dottie


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