Praise God! Remission is here!
Remission!!! Yes Remission has already occurred by God's grace and power. Here is the story.
Back on Monday night, July 25th, after an hour of intense prayer over Debbie, Joe and I sensed that something happened. I was banking on a “yes” answer to all the prayers for her healing. This past Wednesday, the 3rd, we got an excited call from Dr. Joe in North Carolina, our long time friend who is helping monitor Deb’s progress and immune system. He said that Deb had made a dramatic improvement from July 22 when he got a drop of blood to read and July 29 when I sent him a slide with another few drops. He said she is in a full scale healing mode, and then sent us copies of the slides via e-mail which shows the obvious difference. I am going to include a couple of paragraphs that he wrote.
Hi Deb (and Duane),…..
When you get the picture I'm sending, it will be visibly obvious even to the untrained eye. In a nutshell, your body has made a dramatic change in a very short period of time. You have shown improvement in the course of a week that I normally look for over a month!
Even in the case of instantaneous healing the body still has to "catchup" with the immediate correction of a diseased state. That is, one moment the body is degenerating, the next moment it is healthy; all the "garbage," (dead, degenerated materials and tissue) must be cleared from the body through normal (i.e., not instantaneous) mechanisms and this takes time. A good analogy might be the result and aftermath of a flood: even with the flood waters recede, the debris the flood brought has to be cleaned up. There is no more flood but there is a lot of cleanup to be done! So it is with the body -- that's the way God made it!
In every case of miraculous healing I've been associated with and have examined (I can name 4 cancer patients right off the top of my head who've had this happen and that I've been blessed to have been working with so that I could actually track them pre- and post-miracle), this has been the pattern. In working with another 200+ who did not have a miraculous remission of their cancer but who have improved dramatically through natural intervention, they too, followed this pattern, though at a slower pace.
(This is the end of Joe’s paragraphs)
Now listen to this confirmation!! We went to see the Hematologist and did more lab work today. He was elated at her progress and admitted that she is several weeks ahead of where he would expect. I asked why he had not tested for the M protein #. He explained that the M Protein # is not a real accurate measure of cancer activity. I was disappointed, but for only a moment as he continued to explain that the real cancer marker or measurer is the imunnoglobulin G number. When Deb was measured for this right before the beginning of treatment her number was a little over 6400! Normal range is 690 up to 1600. She was four times that number. WELL, last Friday’s test on the 29th (it has to be sent off and thus the week delay in getting results) was down to 619. He explained that in her case, if the number dropped just 75% (from 6400+ down to 1600 - high normal range) that is considered a remission. However, in Deb’s case, the number improved by 90%!!!!
That means there was no measurable activity of the cancer. Joe and I believe God killed it on July 25th! Yes, I will admit that she was responding well to treatment, but the hematologist did not expect to see this kind of improvement in the two weeks since seeing him on July 22. Only those of us praying had hoped to see such a dramatic improvement.
NOW THE BAD NEWS. The Hematologist says that Multiple Myeloma always comes back. He just controls it with different treatments. It is not yet curable, he says.(However, he does not know our Great Physician. Secondly, he told Deb that her back pain may not improve any, that the compression fractures do not rebuild, they just heal enough (now that the myeloma is no longer weakening them) to keep any more fractures from happening. He doesn't want her twisting, bending, lifting, etc. Just walk for exercise.
Well, I am elated with the great news. We will keep taking some meds like a good patient, and our herbs, and juicing, and improving our diet, etc. So we thank the Lord God for answering our prayers. The Dr. wants us to go to Dallas soon at Baylor and get a stem cell transplant. We will go talk and learn, but we are not sold on that treatment yet. Pray for us to have wisdom and to discern God's will.
Praise the Lord,
I'm just so happy to hear your good news!! You must just be estatic!! God is so good. From my point of view, after having a stem cell transplant, it's just making sure all the cancer cells are gone! The treatment has changed so drastically since I had mine 7 years ago & become better even. I just wanted to give you my opinion of the procedure. And you guys continue to be in my prayers!!
Love You. Kathy Jacobson
Thanks Duane and Deb for the very exciting good news. And revival has broken out in Deb's body also! We will continue to pray that the multiple mylenoma that 'always comes back' will NOT come back!! Only by His Power!! We love you!!
Marilyn and Ron
Dear Debbie and Duane,
We rejoice with you! Hallelujah!
Yes! we will continue to ask, seek and knock. Let us pray.
God, You are awesome! Thank you for listening and answering our prayers.
We call upon your name, Yahweh Rapha, the God who heals. Please heal Debbie completely. We are grateful to you for the remission. We ask for total and complete healing to her body,soul and spirit.
We pray that you fill Debbie and Duane with Your Holy Spirit day by day. We ask these in Jesus' name, amen.
We love you, Debbie. We love you, Duane. May God bless you with His Powerful Love and His Powerful Healing Touch.
Under God's Mighty Hand,
Helen and Paul
Wonderful! We are so happy for your good news. God IS in control!
Debbie and Duane, you are amazing people and God has used you to remind us (believers and unbelievers alike) that steady faith in God will carry us through any circumstance. We will keep praying for you. Thanks for your steadfastness in the Lord.
Love, Ken and Joy Westbrook
We are praising God for your good news. Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us. It such an inspiration to us and countless others. We continue to keep you in our prayers, both for your healing and thanksgiving for what God has done and is doing. God bless you!!! love, Kathy Pinson
I am so happy for you. I will agree with you that you have Godly wisdom and will make the right decision concerning future treatments. I also will agree with Marilyn and Ron that the cancer will not come back.
Stephanie Webster
Duane and Debbie, Worth has been keeping me up to date about your disease and the progress of treatment. You truly have been blessed to have such prayer covering. Sometimes God has eternity in His presence in mind rather than physical healing but I am so happy for you to get such wonderful news about remission. He is indeed able to more than we can think or ask so let's keep on asking and giving Him praise and all the glory for who He is and for loving us so very much. The LORD bless and keep you and your family. May His face shine radiantly upon you throughout your days and may He pour out His grace on you in wonderous abundance. Each morning may the countenance of Christ be lifted up in your lives and may our God flood your hearts and lives with His peace.
Carl Wren
Yeah God!
Duane and Debbie,Thank God for this great news our family rejoices with you.Know you are still in our prayers and will be always.Mom said shes glad for the results and Duane dont forget to dust the fridge lol.God blee you all.Rick and Becky
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