Saturday, June 24, 2006

What a Year!!!!

It was a year ago today that Deb could no longer stand up, was taken to the hospital in an ambulance and we got the feared definitive diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma when she was taken to the oncology ward. Oh, how far she has come since then! Our lives have returned to normal with the exception of all the supplements she takes, evening back pain and the occasional appointment with the oncologist. He is still very uncomfortable monitoring her with her choosing alternative types of treatment, but cannot argue with the results. We have been very blessed with God's grace.

We saw another Dr. this past week who monitors patients who use alternative therapies. He is a believer, read the 2 page synopsis of events for the past 18 months, listened and then said, "It is obvious that God did a major healing last July." Finally a man of medicine who will give God his glory!!!! His specialty is endocrinology and he noticed some imperfections in her blood work and thought that it might be worthwhile to do some blood work and verify how her endocrine system is functioning and make sure that the thyroid is functioning correctly. He too, is a bit hesitant to monitor her because myeloma is so complex to deal with, but he will try to find an oncologist for us who will work with patients in alternative type treatments. We shall see what he has to offer.

Praise God who is so gracious and good. Truly, we believe she received from the Lord the I Pt. 5:10 verse (at the top of our homepage) last June as an encouragement to hang in here and receive his healing. We still monitor the markers every three months in order to stay on the safe side of catching any change early.

May God bless each of you.



At 6/24/2006 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats truley great news .God bless you both.Rick and Becky


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